Types of Treatments

The most common ‘tool’ for chiropractic treatment is the adjustment/spinal manipulation. The “Diversified” treatment typically uses a hands-on approach to allow for increased joint ranges of motion, or flexibility. Most people will refer to the noise it can sometimes make; the ‘pop’ or ‘click’.

In our office, we utilize different methods of treatments, whether it is an adjustment or not. Examples of this are treatments with the Activator device (a handheld device), Thompson drop piece, muscle release techniques, mobilizations, laser, and electrotherapy.

Low Back Pain/Sciatica

The most common reason for visiting a chiropractor is low back pain. Regardless of the cause, we are trained to exam patients and diagnose what you have. If we do not feel that it is a problem suited for us to manage, we quickly refer to the appropriate health care provider.

Headaches and Neck Pain

The second and third most common complaints that chiropractors address are neck pain and headaches. Regardless of the cause, we are trained to exam patients and diagnose what you have. If we do not feel that it is a problem suited for us to manage, we quickly refer to the appropriate health care provider.

From Infant to Elderly

Patients come in all shapes and sizes and ages! It is typical for most patients to be in the 35-65 age range, but we will exam infants right up to the 90 year old. As you can imagine, we don’t treat everyone the same way. We use our education and skills to properly treat each patient as an individual.

Disc Herniations

You’re a young person and think you shouldn’t have severe back pain. You might even have severe leg pain. Disc herniations are a relatively common problem, and young discs are more prone to this than in the older population. Chiropractic care has been shown as an appropriate treatment for patients with disc herniations. We are trained to determine if you have such a diagnosis, and what the appropriate measures are at various stages of this problem.

Spinal Stenosis/Disc Degeneration

The aging spine can mean discs that degenerate or deteriorate; spinal joints that become arthritic. It can lead to debilitating leg and back pain, and suffering. You likely can’t walk very far anymore. It is more common than you think, and is likely to become more common as the average age in society rises. We offer a unique treatment protocol developed by Dr. Carlo Ammendolia from Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, known asĀ  Spinemobility.


A common condition, and a common problem that faces most of our patients. It is not a reason to avoid chiropractic care! The most effective way to help ease the symptoms of arthritis is movement. Chiropractic treatment is designed to help your joints move as good as they possibly can.

WSIB/ Workplace Injuries

As primary contact practitioners, we can address injuries sustained from workplace injuries (WSIB) without a referral. Any musculoskeletal injury falls within our scope of practice, which includes low back pain, repetitive strains, and more. We are able to assist you in your recovery, but also help you navigate the forms and requirements of the WSIB when necessary.

Whiplash/ MVA’s

As primary contact practitioners, we can address injuries sustained from motor vehicle accidents (MVA’s) without a referral. Whiplash is a very common consequence of MVA’s, and chiropractors are well suited to manage the condition as musculoskeletal specialists. We are able to assist you in your recovery, but also help you navigate the forms and requirements of the insurance companies when necessary.

Repetitive Strains (RSI)

Gardening in the spring. Working in a factory. Plowing fields in the fall. Making knitted items for Christmas. Working out in the gym. So many ways that we take a toll on our muscles and joints! We are educated to assess and treat any and all of these musculoskeletal conditions. We focus on how you can reduce the effect these activities have on your body, and educate patients on recovering at home.


Many women will first experience chiropractic care once they become pregnant. The inability to utilize medications combined with the common complaint of low back pain during pregnancy often leads them to a treatment that doesn’t require medication: chiropractic! It is safe to receive treatment while pregnant, whether you are early in your pregnancy or late-term. We even have tables that adjust to allow for you to receive treatment face-down!

Sports Injuries

Sports are a common source of injury. As chiropractors, we are trained to deal with any muscle, joint, bone or nerve complaint. If you aren’t sure how we might help your problem, just ask us. We have assisted patients as diverse as marathon runners, MMA fighters, hockey players, soccer players, dancers, gymnasts, curlers and more! Recreational, school or professional activities; we have dealt with a wide variety of patients and sporting injuries.

General Well-Being

While it is most common for patients to attend our office with a complaint of pain and loss of function, there are those who have discovered that chiropractic care can elevate your well-being. It can help to minimize the frequency and intensity and your common, recurring complaints. It can increase your performance in sporting activities even!

Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist & Hand

Chiropractors are trained to deal with all muscles and joints, bones and nerves. Problems in the upper limbs can be confusing and difficult to recover from. Some common complaints include: Referred pain from the neck, rotator cuff muscle strains/tears, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, and more.


TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorders, fall within the realm of chiropractic care. We have helped manage cases that are simple strains, to the more complex issues after joint replacement.

Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot

Chiropractors are trained to deal with all muscles and joints, bones and nerves. Problems in the lower limbs can be confusing and difficult to recover from. Some common complaints include: Referred pain from the back, hip flexor strains, Iliotibial Band (ITB) syndrome, general knee sprains or strains, ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, and more.